Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Semester nearly over

Wow!  One final away from spring semester being completed.  Fall semester will be difficult with five courses, a lab, and seminar and captaining the concrete canoe team.  And I still have to complete editing the conference paper that I ended up volunteering to do.  It seems like I can't help but want to be a part of things.  A lot of students claim they don't have time for anything, and wonder how I have time with a full load (and hard course combinations), work, and the extra ASCE things.  My answer:  I make time.  I don't mess around.  I do work on the train ride, I do work before class.  I used to work 7 am to 8 pm sometimes taking night, online, weekend classes full time!

You could say I am ambitious... And hardworking.  Determined.

So this next year will be a blast.  Hopefully I qualify and join an engineering firm over the summer and can swing my crazy schedule still.  I bet I can.

I am excited to see what the future holds.

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