Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Competition time

Its been a hectic few weeks: surprising my father for his birthday, appointments, stepson coming to town, getting sick, shool, and work.  Today we pack up the concrete canoe and some of us leave today, some leave tomorrow morning for Colorado.

The trip to Colorado will be exciting and I hope I can see my cousin who lives just 50 minutes away from the competition site.

Our steel bridge is also competing and I am excited to see how it does. I was lucky enough to be able to be part of both teams this year so I am definitely rooting for everyone.

I will update this during or after the competition!

To all the competitors at the races and bridge: Ganbatte!  Good luck!

I almost forgot, I can't take steel 2 so I am a little bummed.  Since less students are taking some classes, they are only available in the fall and I can't fit anymore classes into the fall that I already am!

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