Tuesday, April 15, 2014

presentations, presentations

Tomorrow I have two presentations back to back on totally different topics.  The first is for my tech comm class:  water quality analysis report by clean water solutions, which is our made-up company.  We were basically given a report and had to write our own report based off of it and give a presentation.  It is supposed to give us real life practice.

The other presentation is for ASCE.  I am giving a presentation with my co-captain for the 2015 competition about what our plans are and attempting to recruit interested individuals.
I made a slide show to give students a better idea of what exactly we are doing.  It will be fun and I hope that more students are interested this next academic year so we can really do great.

With finals and projects due right around the corner, I hope that I can keep ahead of the game and do well.  I am floating so close to a 3.8, or 4.0 that I am cringing!  I just need to do well on my exam tomorrow and finals and final projects.

Wish me luck!

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