Sunday, February 9, 2014


So instead of going to work on the steel bridge yesterday, our band played a benefit show in Spanish fork at like 2.  It was for the veterans and ended up going in the Daily Herald.  It felt so good to give veterans a day of entertainment and a couple of them stood up to dance.  A group came from a care home so for them to be out and taken care of was so nice to see.  One man, Ken, that had danced came up to us with his walker just so excited and happy about getting to hear some live music.  Rockabilly style.  I gave him a big hug and he gave me a kiss on the head.  I would say it was worth it to play for sure.  He also told me about someone that had offered him opera singing lessons and he wishes he had done it.  

Music brings people together.  I love it.

On another note, a man, Scott Wilson I believe, called my husband about an ordaining and ironically he works at Horrocks, which is where I have wanted to work.

Also, I spent the rest of Saturday helping wire a 58? Ford.

This was a good weekend.

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