Friday, February 21, 2014

The Career I Chose

    The early morning train ride (5:45) to Salt Lake City helps to give me time to ponder my life and the path that I have chosen.  This may be the same route I take to work someday; same times, same general area.

    I do hope that I am able to work closer to home.  I am actually going to apply to one particular place I have known about and had my eye on for years in about a week.  No job posting yet, but I am hoping that sending information in will give me a leg up.  Is it better to do this than wait and see what is available though?  If I end up just doing photocopying and lunch runs for the company at first that would be okay too.

    It can be so nerve wracking.  Every job I have applied for but one, I have gotten.  But they have never been exactly in engineering; Sales, construction, service.  Now it is harder.  I'm not in high school anymore.  It's not just a job anymore it's my career.  My hopes are high and I hope that I will find what I am looking for.

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