Thursday, January 16, 2014

late night and plans

I struggled a little, being sick and everything, with completing all of my assignments this week.  I must say I enjoy my Steel design class, but this first assignment was hard for me to focus on until today due to a consistent throbbing in my head and sinuses.  Once I felt better, late Tuesday night, I was excited to finally be back up to par.

Last semester I created a concrete flower project and I hope to add a steel flower to the pot this year.  If not, perhaps I can do a better looking flower.  My plan is to add a new piece every semester I am at the U as it proudly sits in the College of Engineering office.

It is late and class is early tomorrow but I just had to write my thoughts and quiet my mind; I was just doing a bunch of geotech homework.

Here's my concrete / fix-all flower 

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