Thursday, January 30, 2014


Sadly my concrete flower got knocked off its table and broke at the school.  That's ok though.  I can make some cool ones with more experience and make that be my garden since I don't seem to have a green thumb.

I went to the steel bridge and part of the concrete canoe meetings.  I'm excited because on Monday we are de-molding the canoe fiberglass mold and I will be able to help since I don't have lab.

This week is nearly over and all I need to do is study for my  Environmental engineering exam and do a Tech comm worksheet.  My steel project is as far as I can go and all other work is done.  Hopefully new assignments get posted tomorrow so I have something to do on the train ride though I could always research into Revit.

It's a snowy Thursday.  Drive safe everyone.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Not sick and feeling good

Wow!  It felt so good to have all those assignments completed and turned in and to be able to practically finish my steel design newly assigned just on the train ride.  AutoCAD took a few days to load correctly.  I want to learn Revit so that I could use it too.

Even though there's a lot more work this semester and I have less time to do it, I feel pretty confident.  I need to make sure my formatting is correct though; I lost 8 points!  Transferring made it a little difficult because the format requirements are different but I know that I will get it down.  This last assignment has already seemed easier to remember the format.

Time to do some enviro.  This blog is nice for putting down thoughts.  One more year of school and I can start a full career!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

late night and plans

I struggled a little, being sick and everything, with completing all of my assignments this week.  I must say I enjoy my Steel design class, but this first assignment was hard for me to focus on until today due to a consistent throbbing in my head and sinuses.  Once I felt better, late Tuesday night, I was excited to finally be back up to par.

Last semester I created a concrete flower project and I hope to add a steel flower to the pot this year.  If not, perhaps I can do a better looking flower.  My plan is to add a new piece every semester I am at the U as it proudly sits in the College of Engineering office.

It is late and class is early tomorrow but I just had to write my thoughts and quiet my mind; I was just doing a bunch of geotech homework.

Here's my concrete / fix-all flower