Sunday, December 4, 2016


Life takes you on many journeys.  My journey has now taken me to a new place, new house, new job.   It has only been 10 months in my home, and now I am packing up to leave again.  My experiences at my current work have been wonderful over the past 2 years but sometimes change needs to happen.  One month until it all starts, 5 months until I get married.  I am thankful for the opportunity and thankful I have such a supportive fiancĂ©.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

Midterms are over.  I feel pretty good.  Today I helped the civil engineering bridge and canoe presentations for high school students engineering day at the University.  

Over this fall break, work and trying to finish some school work in advance will be a high priority.   I only need 3 more courses and then I graduate!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

weeks of work

I am very appreciative of my internship and I have enjoyed it very much.  It makes me feel very happy.  It's been three and a half weeks and I have loved every minute of it.  It is something I have wanted to do for so many years and it is something my own.  I love being able to go back to our family business on Friday to help out but it is nice having something that I worked for that's all my own

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The spring semester has ended and summer has begun.  I am taking three online classes to complete the diversity, international, and third fine arts requirements.  Lucky for me I came from a very diverse background that made these courses an easy pick and not too overwhelming.  I am looking forward to the fall semester!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Semester nearly over

Wow!  One final away from spring semester being completed.  Fall semester will be difficult with five courses, a lab, and seminar and captaining the concrete canoe team.  And I still have to complete editing the conference paper that I ended up volunteering to do.  It seems like I can't help but want to be a part of things.  A lot of students claim they don't have time for anything, and wonder how I have time with a full load (and hard course combinations), work, and the extra ASCE things.  My answer:  I make time.  I don't mess around.  I do work on the train ride, I do work before class.  I used to work 7 am to 8 pm sometimes taking night, online, weekend classes full time!

You could say I am ambitious... And hardworking.  Determined.

So this next year will be a blast.  Hopefully I qualify and join an engineering firm over the summer and can swing my crazy schedule still.  I bet I can.

I am excited to see what the future holds.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

presentations, presentations

Tomorrow I have two presentations back to back on totally different topics.  The first is for my tech comm class:  water quality analysis report by clean water solutions, which is our made-up company.  We were basically given a report and had to write our own report based off of it and give a presentation.  It is supposed to give us real life practice.

The other presentation is for ASCE.  I am giving a presentation with my co-captain for the 2015 competition about what our plans are and attempting to recruit interested individuals.
I made a slide show to give students a better idea of what exactly we are doing.  It will be fun and I hope that more students are interested this next academic year so we can really do great.

With finals and projects due right around the corner, I hope that I can keep ahead of the game and do well.  I am floating so close to a 3.8, or 4.0 that I am cringing!  I just need to do well on my exam tomorrow and finals and final projects.

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Colorado state competition

The competition at Colorado was intense.  Our steel bridge failed by only 25 pounds due to a defective weld.  The construction team did amazing with their time though.

Our concrete canoe cracked in transport in several areas and we ended up taping it to our mold.  It was approved and we raced anyway and brought home a spirit of the competition award.  The canoes other schools do are amazing.  Next year I know more and want to do well.

We learned a lot and had a lot of fun.  My body is exhausted and I didn't have time to finish all my homework.  However, it was definitely worth the experience.  I have a lot to catch up on though..

Next year we CAN be a competitive force.  I know what to do and I want to do well.  Next year is in New Mexico so it will be warmer.  It was quite cold this time.

Wish us luck for next year!